All good sailors should learn how to tie a Round Turn And Two Half Hitches Knot. It’s a basic knot that can be used for a wide range of purposes, and it’s so simple that everyone should learn how to tie it! It’s an evolution of the classic Half Hitch, but it’s far more secure and infinitely more useful.

The knot is exactly what it says it is: a round turn that’s secured by two half hitches. The Round Turn is a section of the rope that’s wrapped around the object that it’s securing. The Round Turn holds the strain of the line while the rest of the knot is complete. You can actually add more Round Turns if the object demands it.

The Half Hitches are two very simple knots that are added to keep the round turn in place and stop it from slipping. Two hitches are often used, but in truth, you can use as many as you need to either further secure the knot or to use up any rope that’s left hanging loose.

The result is a strong and practical knot.


The Round Turn And Two Half Hitches Knot has plenty of uses. Most sailors and boaters use it for attaching mooring lines to rings or pilings, securing a boat to a winch, to finish a lashing, or to secure a hammock or two to a tree. But there’s more to this knot than mooring!

This knot can also be used for bushcraft, camping, scouting, and even for jobs around the house.

With so many uses, it’s about time you learned how to tie a Round Turn And Two Half Hitches Knot. Here’s how you do it:

How To Tie A Round Turn And Two Half Hitches Knot

For the best results, we recommend that you practice tying this knot around a secured object, such as a piling, a ring, or a table leg! Once you’ve found something to use, grab a length of rope, and get started!

Step One: Pass the working end around the object twice. This secures the object and takes the strain while you finish the knot.

Step Two: Move the working end underneath the standing end and pull it through the newly made loop. Be sure to pull this tight.

Step Three: Continue with the working end and pass it under the standing end (in the same direction as before). Feed it through the newly made loop and pull it tight once more.

Step Four: You can add additional Half Hitches to further secure the knot if necessary. Otherwise, you’re done!

Other Things To Consider

Now that you’ve learned how to safely secure a rope to a fixed object, there are a few more things to keep in mind. Learning a few variations, and a few habits to avoid will help you make stronger knots. Here are some things to remember:


To ensure that you secure the end of a rope properly, make sure that you always tie the Half Hitches in the same direction. If you feed the working end towards the knot on the first knot, make sure you do it the same way on the second. Otherwise, you may find your knot working loose. And that’s not ideal.


It’s possible to tie this knot with only one hand. There are some advantages to this. By using one hand, it’s possible to use your other hand to control any strains placed on the standing end of the rope. For example, a particularly heavy boat can be easier to moor if one hand is used to take the strain of the boat while the other hand ties the knot. Additional turns may be required though.

If the rope has a long tail, it’s possible to tie the half hitches as a bight rather than at the end of the rope. This way, you can have a strong knot while also using up the excess rope.


If you’re looking for another way to secure your rope to a ring, then the Clove Hitch is a popular alternative. It’s faster to tie, but not as secure as the Round Turn And Two Half Hitches Knot. Another decent alternative is the Anchor Hitch. The Anchor Hitch is arguably a more secure knot for attaching a rope to a ring or piling, but a Round Turn And Two Half Hitches will work just as well.