How do Boats Float?
A boat, or any other object designed to float, is based on a theory by a very old guy, even older than Capt. Matt. Though he is old and, by the way, dead, he was really a cool guy and his name was Archimedes (Ark-i’-meed-eez). His principle, cleverly named the Archimedes’ Principle, explains how things…
Essential Spare Parts and Tool Checklist For Your Boat
Just as with your car, your boat needs to be maintained. There are things that may happen out on the water that will require repairs. Parts break, batteries die, things happen. Every boat needs to be equipped with a basic mechanic’s tool kit. In addition, you need to have a backup supply of spare parts….
7 Best Satellite Phones for Marine Use
You can never be too safe at sea. A radio and a GPS device can help you out in an emergency. But if you want to ensure you’ve got an edge, consider a satellite phone. A normal cell phone is ideal on land. But cell service is spotty at best at sea. A high quality…
What to Do When Your Boat Engine is Overheating
An overheating engine can be a real burden to deal with. Time and money may have to go into fixing it if you can’t figure out what’s wrong. Luckily, there are warning signs you can look for. Also, there are some tips and tricks that you can look into if you want to fix the…
Weather Proverbs
Perhaps the most often quoted weather proverb among mariners is: Red sky in morning, Sailors take warning. Red sky at night, Sailors’ delight A red sky at night (when the sun is to the west) is caused by light passing through dust particles in the air to the west. Dust indicates dry weather and since…
State Laws and Regulations for Wearing Life Jackets
By now we should all know how important wearing a personal flotation device is when you’re boating. But despite how long they’ve been available, there are still a lot of boaters who don’t make use of these life saving tools. Nearly half of all boaters in the UK don’t wear life jackets. In the US,…
The Phonetic Alphabet
The phonetic alphabet is an essential skill for all radio operators. Whether you’re on sea, in the air, or on land, knowing how to communicate effectively could save your life. What Is The Phonetic Alphabet? It’s very important for sailors to properly understand and know how to use the phonetic alphabet. A phonetic alphabet is…
Buoy Basics: Everything You Need to Know About Buoys
Buoys are floating, anchored aids to marine navigation. A buoy today may come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. These different shapes and colors indicate a specific meaning or a specific type of buoy. Understanding the different types of buoys will allow you, as a boat operator, to navigate safely and efficiently on the water….
How to Wire Boat Trailer Lights
When you first get a brand new boat trailer, things are great. It looks good, it’s reliable, and it works well. As time goes by, things begin to get a little sketchy. Used and old trailers are notorious for lighting problems. Sometimes even new ones can be difficult to wire with certain tow vehicles. Wiring…
How to Prevent Boat Theft
In 2018 there are nearly 4,500 boats reported stolen in the US. That may seem insignificant compared to cars stolen, but it’s still a remarkably high number. Thousands of boats missing every single year. And only about one in 10 stolen boats are ever recovered. How does someone even get away with a boat? You…
What You Need to Know About Chart Symbols
Learning to drive requires you to learn how to read a map sometimes. Learning how to sail means you need to know how to read charts. Of course, we have a lot of electronics that can do this job for us these days. If you’re ever stuck without power and you need to read a…
The Basics of Boat Sound Signals
There are several occasions on a boat when you need to use sound signals. In particular, when visibility is limited, boat sound signals are of the utmost importance. Other boaters need to be aware of where you are and what you’re doing at all times. Learning what these sound signals mean and how to…
Easy Guide to Boat Slang
These days a lot of slang terms come to us from the sea. Naval tradition, sailing, even piracy all created their own slang and lingo over the years. Many of the terms found their way into modern languages and are just everyday terms now. And some, as we’ll see, only seem like they have…
The “Aids To Navigation” Merger
(This article originally appeared in 2002, however, some areas of the country may not yet be in compliance. For those of you in such areas, we are leaving this article up.) A phase-in period of the Uniform State Waterway Marking System (USWMS) (found on most lakes and rivers) with the United States Aids to Navigation…
The 3 Best Bilge Cleaners 2024
The bilge on a boat is one of the least respected parts of the craft, despite its importance. As boat owners, we know that we need to clean it regularly, but it happens much less frequently than it should. Consider that if the bilge pump stops working you risk sinking. It makes sense to keep…
The Road International Regulations for Avoiding Collisions at Sea
Part A – General Rule 1 Application (a) These Rules shall apply to all vessels upon the high seas and in all waters connected therewith navigable by seagoing vessels. (b) Nothing in these Rules shall interfere in the operation of special rules made by an appropriate authority for roadsteads, harbors, rivers, lakes or inland waterways…
Identifying Regulatory Markers
Regulatory markers are used to advise you of situations, dangers, or directions. They may indicate shoals, swim areas, speed zones, etc. They can be easily identified by the orange bands on the top and bottom of each buoy. On the water, you will find these markers posted on the sides of buoys to aid in…
DSC Radio: What is the Digital Selective Calling System?
Every boater needs to have a VHF radio on board their vessel. It’s a vital communication tool that can link you to the mainland and rescuers when needed. It can also help inform you about weather and other emergencies. But what about a DSC radio? This is newer technology and not everyone is familiar with…
Boat Engine Cooling Systems Explained
Marine engine cooling systems come in several kinds. They rely in different ways on the water in which you are operating your boat to keep things cool. The raw water cooling system will only use this water while an enclosed cooling system will use water plus an additional coolant. The keel cooling system is also…
Monohull Vs Multihull
There has been a debate in the world of sailing foe some year over monohull vs multihull. Is one superior? What are the benefits and drawbacks of each? It’s a layered question and both have some great upsides and a few downsides. Is one better? That’s likely up to the individual sailor. But we can…
Cell Phones vs. VHF Marine Radio
If you’re new to boating it can be overwhelming to get a grip on all the extra gear you need and/or want. You may wonder if something like a VHF radio is even necessary. Especially if you have a good quality cell phone with good coverage. The Coast Guard does not advocate cell phones as…
Boating Regulations by State Boating Education Requirements
Nearly every state now requires boaters to have some form of formal boat safety education. This typically comes in the form of a test administered by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators or NASBLA. The regulations can vary widely from state to state so make sure you check your local laws to ensure…
Getting Help on the Water
Always be prepared is the Boy Scout motto, and it’s a good one. No one wants to endure an emergency at sea, but you must be ready for one. The quicker and more efficiently you can act, the better. Quick thinking and preparation can save lives. According to the US Coast Guard, there were…
What is GPS? Everything You Need to Know
Global positioning system GPS is a satellite-based navigation system. The GPS satellite system has completely changed the way humans navigate the globe. And its uses extended well beyond navigation. Search and rescue had changed for the better as a result as well. Thanks to GPS, military users and civilians have access to an extensive satellite…
Heading out on the water should be fun. Whether you are going to take your vessel out for fishing or just to sail. Make a pre-departure checklist part of your boating trip routine. It doesn’t need to take a lot of time. Doing so can save a lot of hassle, however. Going over a pre-departure…
What You Need to Know About Day Shapes
Communication with other vessels is essential on the water. The use of day shapes is how you can ensure that you are able to communicate what you were doing to other boats. Likewise, they can communicate with you important information. Masthead light and running lights can only be seen at night, don’t forget. What is…
The Best Ice Rescue Suits and How They Work
Not all ice rescue or cold water rescue suits are created equally. Using an ice rescue suit is almost always dangerous. For that reason, you should never try to perform a cold water or ice rescue without proper training. Always alert authorities when someone’s life is in danger. Once you are trained, we can help…
Safe Waters for All: How to Prevent Recreational Boating Accidents
Statistics show that recreational boating accidents have decreased for the last 20 years. There were 4168 boating accidents logged by the U.S. Coast Guard in 2019. That included 2559 injuries and 613 boating fatalities. In the year 2000, there were 7740 boating accidents and 701 boating fatalities. So while accidents have decreased, boating fatalities are…
How to Remove a Fish Hook
If you’ve never been snagged by your own hook, congratulations. You have achieved a rare feat. Unfortunately, most of the rest of us are not so lucky. At some point in time, nearly every finds a hook stuck in a finger, an arm, a leg, or somewhere worse. They go in pretty easily, but getting…
Understanding the Danger of Propeller Strikes
Often when discussing boat safety one aspect is overlooked. Boat propeller safety is something any boater needs to be aware of. 18% of boating fatalities are caused by propeller accidents. For that reason, understanding what a propeller is and how it works is important. Because of hydrodynamic forces, a person in the water come in…