

My grandfather first took me fishing when I was too young to actually hold up a rod on my own. As an avid camper, hiker, and nature enthusiast I'm always looking for a new adventure. Fully licensed to operate all pleasure craft throughout Canada,

Articles by ianfortey

What are the Different Classes of Boats?

Classes of boats and types of boats are two different things. Every type of boat fits into one of four classes of boats. While a type of boat can vary significantly in appearance and function, class is easy to understand. Boat classes are all determined by the overall length of the vessel. The class of…

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The Basics of Boat Parts and Terms

The boating world operates on a different level than your day to day life. Boating has been a part of human history for literally thousands of years. That’s part of the reason why boating terms are so unique. Most boating terms represent a long history of the activity. There are specialized parts of a boat…

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What Does Buoyancy Mean for Boaters?

When you’re looking for life jackets and other PFDs you may run across pounds buoyancy. Floatation devices all have a buoyancy rating. Understanding what that means will allow you to choose the right PFD for you. Everyone on a boat should have access to a personal flotation device. One that fits and they know how…

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Why are Boats Referred to as “She”?

Naming vessels these days is a fun task for any boater. Head to your local marina and you’ll see dozens of clever names emblazoned on hulls. They’re often puns or little jokes. Historically, ships often bore the names of females. Think of some famous ships from books such as The African Queen. The Arabella from…

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How Do Sailboats Work?

To a casual observer, a sailboat makes perfect sense. Wind pushes the boat forward on the water. The boat goes in the direction of the wind. The true physics of sailing a boat are definitely more complicated. How do you sail against the wind? Why does the sailboat move forward if wind hits the sails…

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Best Marine Toilets for 2024

Choosing a marine toilet is not always the easiest job. You have a variety of marine head types to choose from. You need to decide if you want an electric marine toilet or a manual toilet. You may want a composting toilet as well. Does it have a piston pump? How big is the water…

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How Does the Moon Affect Tides?

There is a lot to understand about how weather and the sun and moon will affect the sea. In terms of tides, the moon does govern them. The moon’s gravitational pull is the main force affecting high and low tide. Understanding how the moon’s gravitational pull affects ocean tides is important. Knowing when to expect…

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How to Wire Boat Trailer Lights

When you first get a brand new boat trailer, things are great. It looks good, it’s reliable, and it works well. As time goes by, things begin to get a little sketchy. Used and old trailers are notorious for lighting problems. Sometimes even new ones can be difficult to wire with certain tow vehicles. Wiring…

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What You Need to Know About Chart Symbols

Learning to drive requires you to learn how to read a map sometimes. Learning how to sail means you need to know how to read charts. Of course, we have a lot of electronics that can do this job for us these days. If you’re ever stuck without power and you need to read a…

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The Basics of Boat Sound Signals

  There are several occasions on a boat when you need to use sound signals. In particular, when visibility is limited, boat sound signals are of the utmost importance. Other boaters need to be aware of where you are and what you’re doing at all times. Learning what these sound signals mean and how to…

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The 3 Best Bilge Cleaners 2024

The bilge on a boat is one of the least respected parts of the craft, despite its importance. As boat owners, we know that we need to clean it regularly, but it happens much less frequently than it should. Consider that if the bilge pump stops working you risk sinking. It makes sense to keep…

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Identifying Regulatory Markers

Regulatory markers are used to advise you of situations, dangers, or directions. They may indicate shoals, swim areas, speed zones, etc. They can be easily identified by the orange bands on the top and bottom of each buoy. On the water, you will find these markers posted on the sides of buoys to aid in…

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Getting Help on the Water

  Always be prepared is the Boy Scout motto, and it’s a good one. No one wants to endure an emergency at sea, but you must be ready for one. The quicker and more efficiently you can act, the better. Quick thinking and preparation can save lives. According to the US Coast Guard, there were…

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What is GPS? Everything You Need to Know

Global positioning system GPS is a satellite-based navigation system. The GPS satellite system has completely changed the way humans navigate the globe. And its uses extended well beyond navigation. Search and rescue had changed for the better as a result as well. Thanks to GPS, military users and civilians have access to an extensive satellite…

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Heading out on the water should be fun. Whether you are going to take your vessel out for fishing or just to sail. Make a pre-departure checklist part of your boating trip routine. It doesn’t need to take a lot of time. Doing so can save a lot of hassle, however. Going over a pre-departure…

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What You Need to Know About Day Shapes

Communication with other vessels is essential on the water. The use of day shapes is how you can ensure that you are able to communicate what you were doing to other boats. Likewise, they can communicate with you important information. Masthead light and running lights can only be seen at night, don’t forget. What is…

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What To Do If You Think You’ve Caught a World Record Fish

People fish for several reasons. Maybe it’s just to relax. Maybe to bond with friends. Or to get dinner. But if you like fishing for sport, then catching a world record fish is a dream. Who wouldn’t want to say they snagged the biggest fish ever caught? If you are fishing for sport and you…

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Safe Waters for All: How to Prevent Recreational Boating Accidents

Statistics show that recreational boating accidents have decreased for the last 20 years. There were 4168 boating accidents logged by the U.S. Coast Guard in 2019. That included 2559 injuries and 613 boating fatalities. In the year 2000, there were 7740 boating accidents and 701 boating fatalities. So while accidents have decreased, boating fatalities are…

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Tilt and Trim: What’s the difference?

  If you’re new to boating you may have heard the terms trim and tilt in relation to how your boat’s motor operates. Oftentimes tilt and trim are referred to in odd ways. It might make you think they are actual components on your outboard motor that need to be maintained. That means things like…

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Understanding the Danger of Propeller Strikes

Often when discussing boat safety one aspect is overlooked. Boat propeller safety is something any boater needs to be aware of. 18% of boating fatalities are caused by propeller accidents. For that reason, understanding what a propeller is and how it works is important. Because of hydrodynamic forces, a person in the water come in…

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Why You Need a Float Plan

All boaters should create a float plan. You should draw one up before every trip out on the water. This is what’s going to stay behind with a family member or friends in case of an emergency. A float plan details all the important information that anyone is going to need to know, including: What…

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PWC Fire Extinguishers: What You Need to Know

What’s the last thing you expect to experience when you head out on the water in a jet ski? Fire. Boating and fire have a long and dangerous history. Fires do not occur often on personal watercraft, but they do happen. As temperatures get hotter, the potential becomes higher. Operating on hot days, engines can…

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What Should You Do If Your Boat Runs Aground?

Running aground is a scary and serious accident for a boat. If your boat runs aground you need to keep calm and stick to a plan to keep yourself and your passengers saw, as well as to minimize risk and damage to the boat. What Should You do First if Your Boat Runs Aground Running…

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How to Prevent Seasickness

Seasickness can affect almost anyone. It’s a kind of motion sickness. You can get the same feeling driving in a car or flying on a plane. Seasickness is often worse, however, due to the unique motion of a boat. Some say you don’t need anything other than your sea legs to overcome it, but that’s…

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All About Fuel and Your Boat

Choosing the right boat fuel for your boat takes some effort. It’s not as simple as rolling up to the gas station and filling your tank. The environmental protection agency has certain requirements for boat fuel. This includes rules about hydrocarbon emissions. You need to know what kind of fuel your boat engine takes. That…

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Solo Sailing: Everything You Need to Know

If you’re serious about sailing then you likely have tried solo sailing. Heading out on the water by yourself, just you and the sea. It can be fun and exhilarating. It’s also a challenge and potentially dangerous. But is it even legal? Sailors like Yannick Lemonnier and Robin Knox Johnston would say it is. They’ve…

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Estimating Time of Arrival

Some people don’t like to live by a schedule. They come and go whenever. Making a plan is often difficult with someone like this. You want to have dinner, and they come over whenever. If you’re serious about boating, this won’t work. You need to understand how to calculate an estimated time of arrival. Also,…

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Procedure for Abandoning Ship

The decision to abandon ship can have grave consequences and should never be taken lightly. For that reason, it’s important to keep a clear head and remain calm. The very first step you need to take when you are debating when and how to abandon ship is to consider if it’s truly necessary. This may…

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The Basics of Boat Maneuvering

  What is the most intimidating part of boating? Some might say the costs, but let’s assume that’s not an issue. Learning how to captain the boat. Maneuvering a boat is not like maneuvering any vehicle on land. It is a completely different process. This can be hard for some boaters to get a hold…

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The Basics of Dressing Ship

  The nautical term of dressing ship, to dress ship, or dressing overall can be confusing. This ritual is often reserved for military vessels. It can also apply to recreational vessels such as yachts. Even cruise ships may dress ship. It’s a process of decorating a ship for a celebration. You would dress a ship…

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